Ключевые слова:
Economy, production, economic growth, globalization, agriculture, export and importАннотация
Uzbekistan, endowed with fertile soil and a favorable climate, plays a significant role in the global agricultural market. The country is one of the world’s leading producers of cotton, fruits, and vegetables, contributing to both regional and international supply chains. Recent reforms aimed at diversifying agriculture beyond cotton have led to increased production of high-value crops such as grapes, melons, and nuts. Additionally, Uzbekistan’s strategic location along trade routes enhances its potential as an export hub for agricultural products. However, challenges such as outdated infrastructure, water scarcity, and market access remain critical issues that need addressing to fully capitalize on its agricultural potential in the global market.
Библиографические ссылки
Eshov M., Amirov L., Askarova M. Development of the agricultural sector and its importance in Uzbekistan //E3S Web of Conferences. – EDP Sciences, 2021. – Т. 244. – С. 03014.
Abdullaev, I., De Fraiture, C., Giordano, M., Yakubov, M., & Rasulov, A. (2009). Agricultural water use and trade in Uzbekistan: Situation and potential impacts of market liberalization. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 25(1), 47-63.
Dadabaev, U. A. U., Isadjanov, A. A., Sodikov, Z. R., Mukhitdinov, S. Z., & Batirova, N. S. (2021). Ways to increase the export potential of agricultural products of Uzbekistan in a pandemic. International Journal of Modern Agriculture ISSN, 2305-7246.
Sattarov, D., Schmitz, P. M., & Mal, P. (2013). Impacts of Liberalization on Agriculture and Trade: A Case Study of Uzbekistan.
Pomfret, R. (2020). Uzbekistan and the world trade organization. Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development, 2(1), 54-61.
Tadjibaeva, D. (2013). Agriculture and its Place in Economic Development of Uzbekistan. In CBU International Conference Proceedings... (Vol. 1, p. 34). Central Bohemia University.
Olimjanov, O., & Mamarasulov, K. (2006). Economic and social context of the vegetable system in Uzbekistan. Increasing market-oriented vegetable production in Central Asia and the Caucasus through collaborative research and development. AVRDC publication, (06-679), 91-95.
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