Stages of inter-industry integration in ensuring the quality of training and employment of personnel
Ключевые слова:
Higher education, industries, integration, communication, ensuring employment, inter-industryАннотация
The tasks of introducing and consistently improving the integration of higher educational institutions that train personnel and their customers (employers) in ensuring the quality of training and employment of young specialists are defined in a number of state, government and industry regulations of the higher education system. Higher education fulfills one of the most complex requirements of society, it prepares specialists with the necessary level of knowledge and skills in certain types of labor for sectors of the economy. In other words, higher education, through the performance of its assigned functions, satisfies the need of the state and society for highly qualified personnel, which, in turn, presupposes the integration of higher education in training personnel for the economic, social and cultural industries with their consumers. With regard to this, the article presents practical proposals for the stages of the implementation of inter-sectoral integration in ensuring the quality of training and employment
Библиографические ссылки
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