In order to better understand how clickers and English learning applications can improve student engagement and language acquisition, this study examines how technology can be used into English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classrooms. There were two groups in the study: the experimental group and the control group. During the lessons, the experimental group used clickers to get real-time feedback and ask interactive questions. Outside of the classroom, English learning applications were also used to improve listening comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. The experimental group outperformed the control group in terms of participation, instant comprehension, and retention, according to the results, making it clear that these technologies have the potential to foster a more engaging and encouraging ESP learning environment. In discussing the ramifications of these findings, this paper highlights how well-chosen devices can greatly improve.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jasmina Turg`unboyeva , Nafisa Adamboyeva
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