Ключевые слова:
Ovarian morphology, chemotherapy, follicle depletion, prematurity, fibrosis, vascular damage, ovarian reserveАннотация
Chemotherapy, the cornerstone of cancer treatment, often leads to unintended consequences,
including significant changes in ovarian morphology. The ovaries, crucial female reproductive
organs, undergo profound structural alterations after chemotherapy, impacting fertility,
hormonal balance, and overall reproductive health. This dissertation comprehensively analyzes
the morphological changes induced by chemotherapy in the ovary, elucidates their underlying
mechanisms, and explores implications for fertility preservation strategies. Through a
systematic review of existing literature, combined with clinical observations and experimental
data, this study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the effects of chemotherapy on
ovarian morphology and its broader implications for women's health. By shedding light on the
complex interaction between cancer treatment and fertility, this dissertation aims to inform
clinical practice, guide patient counseling, and stimulate further research in the field of
Библиографические ссылки
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